After 10 years working as a project executive, and 15 years in the field of construction management, where I led teams through land acquisition, permitting, design, and construction of over 1 million square feet of building space, I was at a point in my career where I was ready to take on a new challenge, and I wanted to create a better way to deliver client-oriented construction services. We have been fortunate enough to have won the loyalty of my existing customers – further enabling us to make this move.
I worked with now Green Leaf COO Tom Dube for over five years. He and I are kindred spirits when it comes to providing solutions for our customers. We both feel strongly that the needs of a project come before all else and wanted to develop a business where we could grow that culture. Tom possesses an impressive resume of projects for scholastic, healthcare and advanced technology customers. He has broad experience in construction and executive level leadership. He was also ready for a new challenge, and decided to join me. Tom will manage the operations portion of the business.
Our Director of Client Services, Liz Mason, has also worked alongside me for nearly 10 years. Her versatile background in marketing, customer service, information systems and the preconstruction process made her the ideal candidate to be the third founding member of the Green Leaf Team. Liz understands the business and knows how to get things done. Liz will manage client services and marketing for Green Leaf.
From our three founding members, we are working diligently to expand our team to include talented, motivated construction professionals. We have had a great response from industry partners and are fortunate to have many highly qualified individuals interested in joining us. Please stay tuned as we announce our strategic growth plans.
What’s new?
Well… almost everything! We have an exceptional team who is dedicated both to building this business and to continuing to serve the customers who have entrusted us with their construction projects. We currently have several projects in design, and look forward to breaking ground on them this spring. Construction on our new headquarters will be complete shortly.